
THE FAST... Day 8, with 5,6,7 recap

Okay, yeah the title says it all.. I have not checked in for a while... That DOES NOT mean I have given up on fasting (again- I am really not fasting- more on that later) or on blogging... I decided to take Fridays & Saturdays off from blogging, and genuinely meant to check in last night, but after small group and taking the babysitter home, I was wiped- plus I had to squeeze in a couple of test viewings of A&E's new show Parking Wars... Yeah you got bumped for a reality show... Deal with it. Anyhow, if I seem kind of hostile, its because I just want to eat some meat... Maybe some cheese. Maybe some meat and cheese jammed together between seeded buns, flame broiled from Burger King...

Just kidding. Not really.

Yeah, I am surviving... I have been able to figure out how to adapt at the 4 different restaurants I have eaten at since this thing started... Kelly & I went out to eat with the Cockfields Friday night at Doc Cheys... I had General Chey's Tofu... It was the worst tofu experience, and I figured out that for me, tofu needs to be cut small, it can get gooey inside. We had Sunday lunch at Barberitos and I had the best killer burrito ever.... Black beans, grilled onions, sauteed tofu, fresh jalapenos, fresh cilantro, fresh salsa, and lime squeeze, all wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla- dang it was good! Kelly fixed a good meal tonight- flash back to Fort Myers at the Casa De Bricker: black beans over brown rice with fresh salsa... yum yum good.

Saturday's lunch had to be the lowest point of the journey so far for me... I was home alone while Kelly & Monkey were at a gymnastics birthday party and I was left to fend for myself... I decided to get creative and have some celery and peanut butter... Only the celery was old and limp and the peanut butter was all natural... Umm- that was the nastiest thing ever... I ended up eating a bunch of dried fruit and nuts.

So mentally & physically doing really well. Spiritually, doing even better than that- had some great time with God this morning, still hanging out in Psalms... Really inspired by Psalm 13- really spoke to where I feel right now. Even got inspired to write a hook for a worship song... you will never hear it- it will only exist in my little-black creative journal.

Anyhow- still trying to make time, okay not trying hard, to get to the gym, I am playing basketball though- so that kind of counts?

Thanks for the comments, even though some of you are just talking to each other.

Breakfast: Sooper Smoothie, vanilla protein powder (I think I have burned our blender up)
Lunch: 5 Star Day - "Garden of Eatin'" veggie plate: side salad, mashed potatoes, & broccoli/rice soup
Snacks: Phickles & Almonds
Dinner: Black Beans over Brown Rice with Spicy Tomato Salsa

Weight: 288
Mood: Aggressive

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